level select (part 2) and other sprites

what i did today

Today i updated out game with the level select buttons

Creating the sprites from the sprite sheet

using the crete from stip method i created the separate sprites, i opened up all the other sprites and copied the sprite required for it

Creating the code

Unfortunately i dont have the menu that Jordan created because i dont not have the updated game file with the menu in it, Jordan wasn’t 100% because of events that happened so he went home for the day, so i did what i did last time and made a filler menu just to test and alter with, so untill i get the menu i will have to use this.


using the code i made in my other file i just copied it over with the updated sprites



this is what the level select looks like at the moment (the background may change if given a different background, also there are only 6 buttons


Anthony Mason (Coder)

Second Character Sprite Sheet & Imported Into GameMaker

From creating my first character (VIKING) I then created my second character sprite sheet and imported it into GameMaker due to this character not being able to be played due to being behind on the game it self i had just created a basic animation for the character so that it was in the game ready to be hit by the you as the player and from this you have something to aim for as well as the boxes and also other assets that i had created for the game such as the platforms etc.

Basic Sprite Sheet Animation  samuria character sprite sheet

As you can see from this image i have then put this sprite sheet into game maker but had trimmed it down to two sprites due to the animation that I had created was to much and did not fit the game it self due to the movement not being right. from this i then took the character into the game and tested what the animation is like and worked better now this is done I just need the code team to implement the collision with the character and then to add the score.

ScreenShot of gamemaker 2nd character

Jack Reed ( Team Leader / Artist / Sound / Code ) 


Updated level select buttons

Here is the updated button visuals thanks to Jack

SFX - Level Select - Buttons

The levels will have to be made for levels 2 to 10 so they can be able to go anywhere but before then the buttons will just have to do nothing and just sit there. The level select will go into the drop down menu that we have created.

10 is the minimum we will have, if we have time in the future we will possibly make more. Jack also provided the Photoshop file in case i need to alter it somewhat.

Anthony Mason

Pause Button and Pause Menu

I went through with Ryan on how to get a pause button and pause menu working within the game and we started with the menu itself.

The pause button


left released with this code






with(obj_dropdown){    instance_destroy()  }



This piece of code will create an instance of the small window within the game interface and destroy the window if it already exists.

Then I needed a step event with this piece of code to keep the small window within the view window which will be picked up by the line of code highlighted Red.

Step Event

x = view_xview[0]+10

y = view_yview[0]


This code tells the code highlighted Red where it needs to build the window by getting the values of the view window within the game.

Then I needed a draw event to actually draw the button into the game interface.

Draw Event



This piece of code chooses the correct sprit takes the scaling and the size of the sprite and places the sprite in the correct place on the game interface itself.


Since doing all of this I am still attempting to make the pause button pause the game so far I have managed to make it pause but it wipes the screen clear of anything in the interface instead of giving a paused effect.

Jordan Shepherd

Background and asset devlopment

Once I began working on backgrounds and assets, I realised that my artistic style is very simplistic and bold, which doesn’t match up to any of Jack’s work. what i’m try to build is a library of assets that can be used to help build the levels background and foreground, this is an idea I had to help boost how much variation each level has.

my trees have progressed because i’ve now added more realism to the design however myself and jack don’t think it works, the progression helps as i’m hoping the next draw is the final and i’ll finally have a prefered style, then I can move on to developing boulders, mountains and terrain while Jack works on the destructible environment.

(im hoping I can finish this soon and contribute to that)

for the third render I tried using a vector style, but felt it was far more cartoonish than the previous. below is the tutorial I followed. I do like the style of the shading and think it would be worth adopting, jack says it’s closer than what i’m doing at the moment but I need to study his work and replicate his style in order for everything to compliment one another.

– Lewis

Level Select (part 1)

Today i made a simple test for what would be a level select, i just made some simple buttons and a couple of rooms to test with. i made a total of 5 rooms, the main menu, the level select, and 3 levels.

I made 6 buttons, the level select, a start button for the main menu, a quit button and the 3 level buttons. the coding for it to work was simple enough.

Its just a left pressed event with a piece of code that just has the line:

room_goto(room name);

This code is for the buttons which are used to change rooms, whereas the quit button only requires the line:


I will improve these with the sprites that we will be using as well as maybe try to make an some extra sprites which makes it look like it has been pressed inwards like many buttons.




Anthony Mason (coder)

Level Select and World Map

today i have been assigned with looking into how to make a level select/world map



this tutorial is very simple but using this to create lockable and unlockable levels, though it doesn’t go through how to make it so when the previous level is complete the next one is unlocked but it sounds like something simple to attempt.

actually creating the level select will be easy, it’s a simple room that will have multiple level buttons each with a code which will change the sprite for that selected level. when the button is selected it will send the player into that level using a simple goto_next piece of code.

making an interactive world map on the other hand is a little more tedious because it will require the future levels to be locked and have it so that when the previous level is complete the next level will unlock.



this tutorial uses the preset actions rather than code, we will have to make a piece of code utilising these presets.


anthony mason

Pause Menu and Enemy Health

today i found some videos that might help, the hitpoints video can help with not just the enemies but also with various breakables in the level.



this pause tutorial can help in the level  because for the first part of the video it goes through a tutorial about how to make the type of pause menu where the background goes darker and it all pauses.



the second part of the tutorial it goes through making all the objects in the level disappear when the game is paused by deactivating the objects when the pause menu is active, of course with these tutorials they are for PC games so i will have to adapt the code and make it so when a button is pressed when it will pause it

Anthony Mason (Coder/Researcher)

Gravity and Collisions

today we tried implementing gravity and collisions to our characters, looking at the code from Ryan’s tutorial we looked at how we could use it within our game

we are experiencing an error where we have too few vertices in the shape fixture for our obj_enemy, it was the world physics that was causing the problem, after some editing we are now experiencing the same error with the obj_platform, it has something to do with the physics.


Anthony Mason and Jordan Shepherd (Coders/Testers)

Errors and Problem Solving

Today me and Jordan had been tasked with continuing the test level and making sure everything works in it, we had ran into a problem where it seems that everytime we go into the level from the main menu everything in the level is stretched.

We figured that it has something to do with the view and after some tweaking with the rooms view settings we managed to solve this problem, but after solving that problem we had ran into another problem, but this one was with the drop down menu we had, and it was just a simple small problem that we solved by tweaking the code so the menus drop down box was smaller.

When we started to add jacks sling code into the room, we got it done but we had been encountering errors when letting go of the character after we pull him back. the problem was that the naming of one piece of code was wrong, originally jack had a double underscore in his objs name where we had one underscore so the code was trying to find something that doesn’t exist.

There was a problem where it was drawing the slings lines under the slingshot rather than putting them in the position of the sides of the slingshot. the problem was within the draw.line piece of code, so after some tweaking we managed to make it line up.

for some reason when we now drag the character back and let him go he just doesn’t go in the right direction, instead of going upwards he goes downwards, when pulled all the way down it goes in the right direction, turns out the problem was with the centering of the object.

Anthony Mason and Jordan Shepherd (Coders/Testers)