Store and Leaderboard

as we were planning to have a store and a leaderboard I took my initiative to create the back ground the buttons and the rooms for this section Example for blog 7 store

as we didn’t have enough time to complete the store I made it a place that it can be put if we decide to further develop upon our game

Example for blog 7 Leaderboard

I also thought we should have a leaderboard even if we have no time give it a place for further development of our game


its not great but gives a game a state and makes it feel like it will become better over time so we can continue on with our game and further develop our skills


Jordan Shepherd

Pause menu problems and overhaul + tweaking

unfortunately when we tried to implement buttons into our pause menu we came across a lot of problems when opening the pause menu the game would automatically back out to the main menu screen when you held the button down and moved your cursor off screen the menu showed up but there were no buttons in it and when you held it a second time and moved your cursor off screen the buttons were stuck on the main screen and still worked after all of the problems and failed attempts to try and solve the issue we scrapped the button and added a different button in its place

Example for blog 6 obj

I made a level select object

Example for blog 6 obj step

I added a step event and tweaked it to keep the button always on screen

Example for blog 6 obj LR

I also added a left released event to take you to the level select room

Example for blog 6 obj draw

I then made a draw event to create the instance in the correct place in the level


This was an overhaul the problem as we began to run out of time and I tweaked the code to work for the new button created for this


Jordan Shepherd

Making a win and lose set of coding

I had to make a piece of code to allow you to win or lose in the levels so for this I had to use some more if statements 2 of which will take your to 2 separate rooms 1 of the rooms tells you ‘You Win’ the other room tells you ‘You Lose’

Example for blog 5

this code checks that if no instances exist of the object then it takes you to the correct room in our game if none of object sam (our enemy) exists then take you to the you in room if you run out of your characters the instead you go to the room that tells you ‘You lose’


Jordan Shepherd

Background Inspiration

During my development I would reference these images for inspiration, I wanted to create a bright world for players to experience, whilst maintaining a mature setting, games like Mario influenced my 2D design and structure of things such as Trees, hills and rocks i wanted the look of my assets and backgrounds to really pop but give them more of a developed look.

Angry birds inspired my bright colours and consistent pallets during certain levels, the Ice levels all had an icey blue tone to them, the sand levels had a much brighter yellow and dirty look to them to try an emphasis on the nature of the environment being uncivilised and the snowy and standard environments were to set the base level for the players expectations. I Had wanted to create wackier and more absurd levels for alternate sections of the game which would have been inspired by games like super meat boy with more square design then others like Bit Trip runner with really colorful and bright levels.


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with super meat boy I took inspiration with it’s textures, I loved how they blended in with the environment and this can be reflected in my work.

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Rayman legends was one game i wasnt able to implement as much as I hoped, I really enjoy the 3D spectrum that a 2D game like this presents by positioning assets very carefully, the level design was what I really wanted to implemented into viking vs samurai and with that I feel the levels would have benefited the design massively and pushing it more toward a high detail game. next time I would like to attempt to create a more in-depth design.

– Lewis (Artist)

Adding more characters and tweaking its forces

I decided we needed more characters so it would be more simple and easier to win and understand how to play the game and the different forces of the character needed to be changed to make the targets able to be hit

Example for blog 4 before

this piece of code I only altered one thing as you can see the number 3 that is the number of instances created

Example for blog 4 after

by changing this number from 3 to 6 it now creates 6 instances of the character into the room instead of 3

Example for blog 4 forces before

in this piece of code it gives different values to the forces 0.2 which makes the character too heavy to use in the correct way for the game it also makes the character too slow

Example for blog 4 forces after

by changing the number from 0.2 to 0.275 I’ve simply tweaked the forces to make the character faster and lighter whilst not changing the characters influence on the other objects


Jordan Shepherd

Creating multi-collision necessary for destruction code

In this code I decided we should have objects that need to be hit multiple times to destroy them and once I realised how the code needs to be it becomes very simple and looks more complicate than it is

Example for blog 3

I already had a collision event so I went into its code to make some alterations

Example for blog 3 code

with some assistance from my tutor I managed to create a piece of code to react with the object its colliding with and not destroy it in a single hit with this code


if(first_contact = 0){
first_contact =
} else if (first_contact !={
if(alarm[0] < 0){
alarm[0] = 50
this code detects the other object and starts an if statement when the first collision take place finding out if there has already been a collision and if not then allowing it to take a note that there has been one the on second collision realises that a collision has taken place already and continues to and else if statement destroying the object
then to add a little helping hand the character continues to move after destroying the object for a few moments allowing you to scout out your next shot for a brief moment
Jordan Shepherd

Fixing slingshot coding

A problem that I found with our slingshot was that when the character was fired from our slingshot the string from the slingshot stayed attached to the character and this did not look nice so I decided to look into it

Example for what should be blog one

I found the code inside the slingshot’s code itself and I thought I know how to make this easier and work correctly

Example for what should be blog one show code

I looked at the code and thought it seemed odd to have it all based on this piece of code as this code will be affecting the character

Example for what should be blog one alter code

so I modified the code to make it more simple for the slingshot

Example for what should be blog one add draw

I then added a draw event to the player character so I could recreate the string through his own code

Example for what should be blog one add new coding

this code was added into the draw event with some assistance to understanding what I needed to do from ryan


if (!isFired and isClicked) {
} else {
if(!isFired and !isClicked){


This code draws the string linking the character to the slingshot and allows the string to stay in place after firing while also allowing the character to be detached from the string itself giving a nicer look and feel to the game


Jordan Shepherd

Switching from pre-programming to code

During looking through the coding of different parts of the game I came across some of the actions in the collisions as pre-programmed pieces that were made with the simplified selection in GameMaker but this was not our own code so I needed to change the destroy piece

Example for blog one

This is an example of what I found

Example for blog one of what it does

This shows what the pre-programmed tool allows you to do

Example for blog one once changed

I deleted that and replaced it with a coding peice

Example for blog one showing change

in this coding page I used the code


this will destroy the character (instance)

with other (this selects the second component)

and then this time destroying the enemy (instance)


Jordan Shepherd

Level Development 3

What i did

I was given the tile sheet to use, but since they were tiles i needed to make them have collisions, so what i did was i made a empty sprite for an object which was going to be a collision box for the tiles which would be used.


I had to make the floor physics as the parent as if i tried to copy its properties it would fall, but making it the parent would make it ok and would stop it from falling.

The goal of making this was to save time with making individual assets from the tile sheet as objects, it works as intended. The first 4 levels are grasslands, the next 3 are dessert and the final 3 are in the snow.

During my time at home i re-downloaded GameMaker Studio so i can finish the 5 levels that wasn’t finished.



Anthony Mason (Coder)


So as one of the last things that were need is a test sheet , so as you can see below i have created a short and basic test sheet for Lewis, Jordan and Anthony to fill out to see if they can spot something that the other person can not spot and also if they can come up with many different ideas that could be changed if we was to go back and change the game in any way to improve the game over all. the test consist of if the buttons work , pause , changing of the characters in the sling etc… and if it did work ( YES OR NO ) and if no why did it not work or the possibility of why it did not work and what could be changed in the future.

Viking vs Samurai test sheet2_Page_1Viking vs Samurai test sheet2_Page_2Jack Reed ( Team Leader / Artist / Sound / Code )