Second Character Sprite Sheet & Imported Into GameMaker

From creating my first character (VIKING) I then created my second character sprite sheet and imported it into GameMaker due to this character not being able to be played due to being behind on the game it self i had just created a basic animation for the character so that it was in the game ready to be hit by the you as the player and from this you have something to aim for as well as the boxes and also other assets that i had created for the game such as the platforms etc.

Basic Sprite Sheet Animation  samuria character sprite sheet

As you can see from this image i have then put this sprite sheet into game maker but had trimmed it down to two sprites due to the animation that I had created was to much and did not fit the game it self due to the movement not being right. from this i then took the character into the game and tested what the animation is like and worked better now this is done I just need the code team to implement the collision with the character and then to add the score.

ScreenShot of gamemaker 2nd character

Jack Reed ( Team Leader / Artist / Sound / Code ) 


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