Overview So Far (Team Mins)

Monday 13th March 2017

As team leader I have taken time to look through everyones blog post and work that has been done during time during classes and from this I can see that in certain points we are struggling and are behind, but looking at how we have developed since the start we are on target at this stage i would have like to have got more than just one level done but from just having this one level done we have been able to make changes and also look at how things can be adapted as we are to move on.

There are more points that need to be addressed and I will be going over them in the lessons and from this i will carry on giving everyone the task and what I shall be doing is after a certain amount of time I will bring everyone back in to see how things are going and if there are any problems with what you have been doing. The main thing that needs to be kept on top on is the blog posts! as when i check there seems to be a lack of blog post on the blog it self.


Jack Reed ( Team Leader / Artist / Sound / Code ) 

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