Level Select and World Map

today i have been assigned with looking into how to make a level select/world map



this tutorial is very simple but using this to create lockable and unlockable levels, though it doesn’t go through how to make it so when the previous level is complete the next one is unlocked but it sounds like something simple to attempt.

actually creating the level select will be easy, it’s a simple room that will have multiple level buttons each with a code which will change the sprite for that selected level. when the button is selected it will send the player into that level using a simple goto_next piece of code.

making an interactive world map on the other hand is a little more tedious because it will require the future levels to be locked and have it so that when the previous level is complete the next level will unlock.



this tutorial uses the preset actions rather than code, we will have to make a piece of code utilising these presets.


anthony mason

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