
Looking at how I wanted to back ground to be I then went a tried out some art and put it together to see how it looks and from that I then went and researched into how to make a background move within GameMaker, there are so many themes that i wanted to create for the background and from having more than one level this will help explore different themes that I can use within the level it self and also look more into how different people have created background for mobile games and how they went about it.


above you are able to see how the game level will look as a background it self but to get the feel of the sky moving with the clouds as well as the fog I then had to go back into Photoshop and separate each part into a different file so that I was able to export the image and insert into GameMaker so that i was able to make certain parts move and certain parts stay still when playing the game, Bellow you are able to see what I had done to separate each part so that they was individual images.



From this I started to see faults within the game level it self where the images where moving you was able to tell that the image had just been repeated and from this it does not make the game look nice and really doesn’t help the flow of the background it self. So from this I now need to go back into Photoshop and create a seamless image so that it flows better within the game it self.

Jack Reed ( Team Leader / Artist / Sound / Code ) 

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