Research Into the Angry Birds Sprite Sheets

I have been looking into angry birds as that is one of the main inspirations for the game idea, and having a look at how they had done each part of the characters animation and also each little detail within the game.  From looking into this i can see that they had used sprite sheets for the characters so that with each part when ever the character is hit or the object the certain character sprite will change to this and carry on through out such as with the blocks and the little effects of the smoke.

As you can see above this is one of the angry birds sprite sheets that I found and this shows each part of the character animation and how the character will change throughout the game itself . This is one of the ideas i had for the game and how I was going to go about it and create a sprite sheet in photoshop and from this then send it across and is easy to add the character and their animation to the game.


The image above shows a closer look into each one of the characters animation and how they act within the game and once they are thrown and as they are flying through the air and then how they act when the use their ability or how they act when they hit the object within the game.


Jack Reed ( Team Leader / Artist / Sound / Code ) 


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