Research Into Art Style Of The Game and Characters

So from researching into the art style of the many games on android and ios I have seen a constant theme that all ways seems to come back, this would be the art style. The art style with many of these mobile games have all ways had a cartoon and kid feel to them this then making it more enjoyable for them to play with the movement of the characters and also the face expressions that you are able to see wit some of the characters. As well as this the use of bright colours as seen by some of the images bellow you can see that they use bright colours to stand out and capture the players eye. also the use of using colours in busamove or bubble bubble keep the player engaged within the game and is also able to keep them wanting to keep playing the game. as well as using bright colours in the back grounds for the games and also the assets for the games you can see that they stick with a stick colours for the characters that you play as shown bellow with the line up of characters.

Jack Reed ( Team Leader / Artist / Sound / Code ) 

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